Bad Debt Collectors

Consumer Protection Attorneys

If you have had the experience of working with a debt collections agency, you know how they can harass and threaten you with consequences that they could never actually act on. Often, a debt collection agency only paid pennies on the dime to own your debt. They want to make an exorbitant amount of money from your financial struggles and they don’t care who they hurt in the short run. They know that making outlandish claims can manipulate you into paying.

Common Consumer Rights Offenses by Debt Collection Agencies

  • Threatens to arrest you or have you arrested
  • Threatens to suspend your driver’s license
  • Calls your employer or family and friends without reason
  • Threatens you with violence or harm
  • Uses obscene or profane language
  • Repeatedly harasses you by phone
  • Lies about the amount you owe
  • Lies about being an attorney or government representative
  • Falsely threatens to sue you
  • Tries to collect interest, fees, or other charges on top of the amount you owe
  • Deposits a post-dated check early
  • Takes or threatens to take your property

While some of these threats are occasionally credible, the majority are empty. The FDCPA declares that credit collection agencies are not allowed to use unfair collecting practices to retrieve payment for a debt.

Because it is hard to know what your rights are as a consumer, it makes sense to contact the trusted and experienced attorneys at LawZebra. We put our entire focus on protecting consumer rights. If you are facing debt collection agencies who are making your life miserable, get in touch with us so that we can help.

Just because you owe money does not mean that you do not have consumer rights!

Contact us online today for a free evaluation of your case. Call us at (801) 820-9955.

List of Known Debt Collection Offenders

  • LVNV
  • Direct Recovery Services (Utah Class Judgment and Order) • $2,000.00 statutory damages if your case applies.
  • Wakefield & Associates
  • Midland Funding
  • Crown Asset Management
  • Autovest
  • BCG Equities
  • Forsythe Financial
  • Salander Enterprises
  • Alco Capital Group
  • Fair Dinkum, LLC
  • Cach, LLC