
If Your Identity is Stolen

If Your Identity is Stolen

If your identity or your wallet was stolen, you are probably wondering if you are liable for charges and hoping that there aren’t more issues you haven’t seen yet. There are ways to prevent identity theft and fraud and protect yourself in the future. Let’s look at the steps to repair your financial situation and/or stolen identity.

What Does Debt Buying Mean?

What Does Debt Buying Mean?

In recent years, the FTC received more consumer complaints about debt collectors than about any other single industry. The reason for this increase in complaints about debt collectors is due to a growing industry in the US called Debt Buying. Learn about debt buying and how it affects you as a consumer.

7 Steps to Deal with Bad Debt

7 Steps to Deal with Bad Debt

It is easy to panic and wonder what you will do when faced with bad debt that you don’t have money to pay. However, there are ways to handle your financial situation. Check out these very doable steps to freedom.

How to Get Out of Credit Card Debt

How to Get Out of Credit Card Debt

According to, The average American’s credit card balance is $6,194 as of the second quarter of 2019 and 61% of American consumers have at least one credit card while the average person has four. If you are in credit card debt, you may feel burdened and stressed thinking about what steps to take next, but just take a deep breath as we look at ways to find financial freedom again.