
How to Stop Student Loan Garnishment
It may seem impossible to make enough money to provide for yourself and your student loans every month, but read on to learn how to keep your wages intact.

What Happens if you Default on a Student Loan?
Student debt is a common problem, but it is not an easy one. Especially if you are unemployed or underemployed, it may not seem fair that you are paying loans but not getting any benefits from your education. Let’s look at what can happen so that you understand what it really means to default on your student loans.

How Long Until a Medical Bill Goes to Collections
Last year alone, it is estimated that out of pocket medical expenses topped $300 billion in the US. That is a significant amount of debt. If you don’t pay your debt in a timely manner, the debt will go to collections. Learn about how long the process takes.

How to Get Out of Student Loan Debt
If you are struggling to make your student loan payments, you are not alone. More than 10% of student borrowers defaulted on their student loans in 2018. Learn how to find your way out of student loan debt.

Can You Go to Jail for Not Paying a Medical Bill?
Do everything you can to negotiate the debt and get it paid. Look into payment plans, medical credit cards, and ask family and friends for advice. Read more tips about how to tackle medical debt.

How to Get Rid of Medical Debt?
When you have medical bills, it can seem daunting to wonder how you will pay the total. If you need answers about medical debt, read on.

What Happens if You Can’t Pay Medical Bills?
Medical debt is not a personal failure and is much more common than you think. Millions of Americans struggle with medical debt, and the numbers are rising all the time. If you are carrying medical debt, take a look at the next steps to discharge that debt.

Student Loan Debt Delinquency And Default Is At A Record High
11.1% of student loans are 90 days or more delinquent or in default. If you are struggling with student debt, you are not alone. Find out what to do about your plight.

You Have Been Served with Foreclosure Papers, Now What?
If you have received foreclosure papers, you have a certain amount of time to take action. How much time you have differs from state to state. Learn the actions to take once you have received the foreclosure papers.

What Are Subprime Loans and Their Pros and Cons?
A subprime loan is a type of loan offered at a higher rate than prime to people who don’t qualify for prime rate loans. If you have been rejected by traditional lenders because you have low credit scores or other factors, learn about the pros and cons of obtaining a subprime loan.