How Long Until a Medical Bill Goes to Collections

How Long Until a Medical Bill Goes to Collections

How Long Until a Medical Bill Goes to Collections? First off, you are not alone if you have medical debt. According to the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, 52% of collections are medical debt. Sometimes it can feel embarrassing to have medical bills that you can’t...
How to Get Rid of Medical Debt?

How to Get Rid of Medical Debt?

When you have medical bills, it can seem daunting when thinking of paying them off. Sometimes the way to pay off medical bills isn’t as clear cut as other debt such as a mortgage or auto loan. With medical debt, there is more room to negotiate the terms of repayment...
What Triggers Foreclosure

What Triggers Foreclosure

No matter a person’s income level, social status, or neighborhood, foreclosure can happen to anyone. You may think it could never happen to you, but, unfortunately, it can. Foreclosure is a nightmare. Sometimes we can make poor decisions that put us in a bad...
Robocall Lawsuit

Robocall Lawsuit

Filing a robocall lawsuit is one way to stop unwanted calls from debt collectors, banks and other companies on their cell phones! Under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) individuals must provide express consent to receive certain types of calls and have the...